
As I scroll through my news feed, I laugh.  Some of ya’ll have plenty of funny things to say right now.  Then, I check the news and am reminded of the reality of a nasty disease trying to encompass our world in fear.  I see thoughts from a dozen different ones on how to survive, how to react, how to conquer… some good thoughts.  But there is one thought that is often to my heart noticeably less prevalent, the thought of the One who has captured my heart and soul a long time ago, the thought of the One who is bigger than every storm, brighter than the sun, Deliverer from every harm, Protector from every disease, my Healer, my Strengthener, my Life Song, my Eternal Love.

I don’t see as much on Him as I would like to, so it makes me wonder how many really know the LOVE of my Heavenly Father and the POWER of the Blood of Jesus.  Ah yes, that.  Perhaps you’ve never heard, and if you have, let me tell you again.  Let me reintroduce you to the blood of Jesus.

In Exodus chapter 12, we see God instruct the Israelites on how to be protected from the last plague.  At midnight the firstborn of everything across the land would die.  All the Egyptians were about to lose their firstborn children, cattle… everything.  But God told Moses to instruct the Israelites to kill a lamb and to put that lamb’s blood on their door posts.  Every home that had blood on the door posts would be passed over.  Those homes’ firstborn would not die.  They would be protected by the hand of God.  And they were.  At midnight, the Egyptians lost their firstborns, but God’s people were protected.  There was peace in the homes of those that posted the blood and screaming devastation in the homes of those that didn’t.  The blood of the lamb was a marker.  The blood of that little lamb was also symbolic of the lamb that would come later, our eternal Lamb of God, JESUS.

The blood of Jesus was shed on Calvary to “take away the sin of the whole world” thus providing us with perfect righteousness and a beautiful covenant with God.  This covenant, if received, would leave no area of our life untouched by His goodness.  It would encompass every piece of our life with the very peace of God himself.  The precious blood of Jesus would enable us to overcome all the works of the enemy (Rev. 12:11) “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony…” The blood of our Eternal Lamb is our protection, our deliverance, our hope, our strength, our healing, our help in the time of trouble.

I can, in 2020, have full confidence in the power of that blood to protect me from every plan of the enemy and to heal me from every disease that could ever be conceived.  That blood shed on Calvary is certainly more than enough to wipe out every trace of COVID-19 nastiness.

You see this full confidence in the power of God to protect in the author of Psalm 91, likely Moses himself.  This Psalm was written by someone who had seen first hand the power of God to protect, someone who with unashamed boldness declared, “a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand as my right hand, but it shall not come near me…”  Wow.   What confidence!  What boldness!  What audacity!  What extraordinary but simple trust in our ever living, ever breathing, all powerful God.  This is someone who had to have firsthand knowledge of his covenant with the Father, of his place as one of God’s chosen Israelites.  This is someone who had seen God deliver, protect, and heal.  This was someone who had tasted and seen of the goodness of God and watched enemy after enemy fall and enemy after enemy fail.  There was not one that could stand before this man, because there was not one who could stand before this man’s God.  This was a man who knew his covenant.

And, Child of God, you too have a covenant with God through the precious blood of Jesus.  Annnnnd your covenant is even greater.  What the blood of animals could not complete, the blood of Jesus could.  Where the blood of a lamb could enforce protection in Moses’s day, the BLOOD of THE LAMB dominates every work of the enemy.

I encourage you to proclaim this covenant regularly, when you feel afraid and when you don’t.  Take your gaze off fear ridden corona reports and set your gaze on what Jesus has done for you instead.  Turn on some worship music.  Take time to read Psalm 91 with your family.  Declare God’s hand of protection over you and your children.  Watch God respond to your trust in Him.  He will deliver you.  He will heal.  He will take care of you.

I know I’ll take time to take communion today and remind myself of the covenant I have with my Father through the Blood of the Lamb.  It’s a covenant that has held me through every storm of the past and will continue to hold me through every storm of the present and every storm of the future.

Pray with me.  “God thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross, shed His blood, and be raised from the dead, so that I can live this life free, delivered from every trace of sin, sickness, and bondage.  I proclaim today you are my healer.  You are my protector.  The blood of Jesus keeps me and protects me, and no evil shall befall me or my family, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling.  I look to you Jesus as my source of life and wholeness, and I ask you to help me walk through this thing in perfect victory, proclaiming your great name from start to finish.  You are good, and you always take care of me.  In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Enjoy your people.  Don’t be afraid of the rhythm of slow.  Enjoy not having so much to do and less places to be.  Eat come ice cream.  Donate some of that toilet paper you’ve been hoarding.  You win.  Your family wins.  Fear and coronavirus won’t stand a chance in your atmosphere of faith.  God loves YOU!  You’ve officially been reintroduced.  AMEN!

A few scriptures for some encouragement…  John 1:29, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Isaiah 54:10, Isaiah 54:17, I Thessalonians 5:23, Psalm 91


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash