Isaac is born!

Recently I was reading in Genesis, and I got to the end of the chapter. Instead of stopping, as I planned, I glanced ahead to see what I would be reading about next.  That’s when I happened upon the title that had been printed above the next chapter, these words, “Isaac is born.”  When I saw them, something in my heart leapt, and I got giddy with excitement, as I thought of Sarah.  She was ninety years old.  Ninety.  Undoubtedly in her life there were so many days when she wondered, when God?  How God?  Did we really hear from you God? And after MUCH waiting and some discouragement and some trying to do things in her own strength, here she was pregnant with her promised son, JUST AS GOD HAD SAID.  And I thought, wow, what a day!  How quickly everything changed!  I can just imagine her just laughing and shaking her head, and thinking, WOW, GOD, You really did it!  You really gave me a son!  And that day when she looked into her sweet baby boy’s eyes, she had to have been in awe, in awe of the beauty of our God, in the beauty of a promise fulfilled.  And she named that promise Isaac, which means laughter. And she laughed.  And she laughed some more.

I know that a big part of my excitement upon finding those words and being happy for Sarah was God speaking to my heart to not let go of the dreams, of the promises, of the words, that He has so faithfully given me.  As life rolls along, sometimes those dreams can get pushed aside, as routine can so easily take over, or I can begin to question, did God really mean it when He said… maybe I missed it… what if… And if I don’t keep my eyes on the Promise Giver, it would be all too easy to grow discouraged and give up on that which God has placed in my heart.  That God, though, is speaking to my heart, “Isaac is born,” is so encouraging because He wants me to know that He hasn’t given up on my dreams, that He looks forward to fulfilling every word that He has promised.  And He will!

And perhaps, if you’re reading this, He is speaking that to you too.  Don’t let go of that promise.  Allow yourself to be encouraged.  For there is a day when everything changes, when dreams come true, the wondering stops and all is made clear, and your heart, it laughs, and you sing praises to God and are reminded that He is faithful to perform.  He will bring the dream to pass. Keep looking to Him,  Keep looking to His Word.  Take heart.  You too will laugh.
